You were rated 5/10.

These were the aspects that added up to your rating:

Rizz - N/A


Clothes - 7/10

The colors compliment each other, and the outfit looks comfy. The simplicity is a good look for you.

Vibe - 6/10

You seem chill, but there's not much to go off of. Show us your personality more!

Background - N/A


Style - 8/10

Clean, simple, and it suits you. You have a good sense of what looks good on you.

Humor - N/A


Bonus Points - 1

For the snazzy shades.

You've got a good thing going. Keep it up!

What you can do to improve:
Try adding a touch of personality to your outfit with accessories. A necklace or bracelet could really make your style pop.

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